Stormwater Survey, Inspection and Condition Assessment | TDG Environmental

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Stormwater Survey, Inspection and Condition Assessment

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Stormwater Survey, Inspection and Condition Assessment of the entire North Adelaide Storm Water network


  • Heavy silting of pipes, some with more than 70% silt/sludge, large tree roots and other obstructions. Efficiently cleaned with TDG’s drain cleaning equipment.
  • Numerous pits in the network were buried under asphalt. TDG had to find innovative ways to CCTV and clean multiple lines to maintain the project deadlines.
  • Dense residential area required close customer engagement and considerations for the community   
  • Many old assets were not recorded accurately. The time and effort put in revealed an additional 40% more pits and pipes accurately mapped and captured on the GIS.

The outcome

The client has a better understanding of their stormwater assets location and condition ratings. TDG Environmental were able to offer options and estimates for rehabilitation of the pipe networks.




South Australia

Project Highlights

  • Mapped approx 48km of Stormwater Network & over 3,800 storm water pits.
  • Provided real time updates of project tracking and digital files with TDG’s cloud based Utility Track system.
  • Fully renewed the city’s data on their critical infrastructure, and increased visibility of these assets, the outcome of nearly 6000 man hours

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