Non-Destructive Digging | Hydro Excavation | NDD
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What is Non Destructive Digging?

A high-pressure water lance is used to excavate and expose underground assets and open trenches, utilising a high-velocity vacuum organic and non-organic material is quickly removed with waste safely captured in the large debris tank.

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The risk of damage to utilities is significantly reduced using this method compared with other traditional manual or mechanical earthmoving techniques. Water pressures can be lowered or raised by operators to comply with the asset owners’ regulations.


Non Destructive Digging provides a safe, clean, and precise way to expose underground infrastructure, allowing for a much faster and more  environmentally friendly method of excavation, with little risk to the environment, existing infrastructure can be exposed quickly and safely.

Benefits of using TDG for Non-Destructive Digging & Hydro Excavation

Cost Effective & Efficient

NDD eliminates the need for large, expensive excavators, saving both time and money compared with other manual or mechanical digging methods.

Reduces Risk & Prevents Damage

By eliminating mechanical tools, our Non-Destructive Digging method significantly reduces the risk of damage to utilities, ensuring the preservation of underground assets throughout the excavation process.

Environmentally Friendly

NDD allows for minimal surface disruption, reducing environmental impact. All spoil removed during exaction works is captured and disposed of at a registered waste facility.

Quieter and Can Be Done At Night

Using water and suction rather than mechanical tools means the process is significantly quieter than traditional excavation methods, NDD is well suited to metropolitan and residential areas where noise pollution is a major consideration.

Non-Destructive Digging Features

TDG is a leader in non-destructive digging and hydro excavation across Australia and New Zealand, and it has some of the most powerful units on the market. Our state-of-the-art equipment allows us to significantly reduce the time required to excavate trenches and expose underground assets.

With superior suction, large debris tank volumes and overhead booms we deliver efficiency without compromising on safety.

Our commitment to efficiency goes hand in hand with our dedication to environmental responsibility. By employing correct non-destructive digging techniques and utilising adjustable water pressures we can maximise efficiency onsite which directly translates to substantial cost savings through reduced excavation time, reduced disposal costs and reduction in required fills to reinstate trenches/potholes.

Upon completion, the soil that has been removed can be returned to the hole, reducing waste. Excess excavated soil is easily disposed of from the combination jet/hydrovac unit tank at approved disposal transfer stations.


With our efficient and low-risk approach, TDG Environmental uses non-destructive excavation for a range of applications, including:

  • Asset Exposure, Trenching, Service Proving
  • Post Hole or Pier Hole Digging
  • Sign Post and Power Poles Digging
  • Optic Fibre Exposure
  • Tree Root Exposure and Root Barrier Installation
  • Excavating/Potholing around Gas, Power, Water and Telecommunications
  • Deep Pier/Bore Hole Cleaning
  • Safety Barrier Installation
  • Limited Access Excavation
  • Excavation for Sewer and Water Repair

Separator Bins

TDG’s Hook-lift Separator Bins are custom-built for stormwater waste, non-destructive digging mud and sweeper waste and aid our customers with minimising waste disposal costs. They offer an innovative solution for when it is not feasible for waste to be continually carted to a waste facility. They can be stored on site and transported to a waste facility once full. These separator bins have custom built screens that allow for the separation of liquid from solid waste and as such, liquids can be removed from the waste prior to tipping. They have a purposely designed back door sleeve for ease of tipping for a variety of vehicles. Our Separator Bins have a holding volume of 15m3 which allows for multiple loads of waste to be consolidated in one device and transported in bulk to the waste facility.

What makes our service unique?

Our equipment

We use Combination Jet/Vac Units which are custom imported and one of the most powerful trucks in Australia, providing 4,000L of water and the largest debris tank in the industry.

Our reporting

TDG’s comprehensive reporting system provides detailed reports with all relevant information on assets located.

Our people

Our locators hold all relevant accreditations with service providers to carry out the work and have the experience necessary to get it done right the first time.

Get in touch

For a comprehensive quote on any of our services, or general enquiries, please fill out the form below or contact us.

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      What we do

      TDG Environmental is the most experienced provider of sustainable waste and stormwater management solutions throughout Australia and New Zealand specialising in a comprehensive range of environmental services including:

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